Friday, November 20, 2009

"It would make you look more Spanish"

Call it a teen 'stache. Call it a "Sánchez".
Either way, we've got one in la familia, ése - this badass is my brother.

During a recent skype chat, I was assaulted with this image.

"What's up with the teen 'stache?"

He explained that it had started as a joke with his friends. It would be funny if he grew one because it would make him look more "badass" or more "Spanish."

But why Spanish? Let's be real - the sparsely grown moustache on Latino features definitely conjures up images of mara salvatrucha and southcentral L.A.

The reason that the teen 'stache and the Hispanic 'stache are one and the same is that both require a sparse, thin moustache, exactly what a pubescent boy is capable of producing. Many Latino men straight up, aren't hairy. Throw some indigenous blood into the mix, and you get sparse hair growth on the arms, often no chest hair, and facial hair that will never allow a thick full beard.

Another thing is that vato loco style hasn't really changed over the years, and the moustache is an essential part of the look. Guys wear beaters with a checked shirt only buttoned at the top, khakis, sport the 'stache, and drive their lowriders with la Virgen de Guadalupe on the hood.

Same for the ladies - I've been wearing the same outfit for the last 10 years when I get in the mood to look more Latina, complete with big hair, tight white capri pants, hoop earrings and the quintessential contrast of white shimmery lipgloss with a ring of dark liner - and don't forget to wing the corners of your liquid liner that is only applied to the top lid.

So my brother is going to keep growing his 'stache for a little longer. Potentially to the stage where he can "style and groom it with upturned corners". More comments after a debriefing session about his experiment of consciously walking around with a stereotype on his face.

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